Dear Citizens of all over the world .
Hello !!!
How r u ?
Im super happy now lol !!
Hi this is Kota Mizutani .
I will go to Waterloo Univ as an exchange student with my friend .
About 40 students will go there for the study !
And we are separeted to six groups .
Im leader of Group A .
I'd like to make effort to help other people !!!
By the way , We set up GroupA 's BLOG today !
Our purpose is that let you know our life !!!
Probably this blog will be very interesting for u .
Because we will write article honestly .
Sometimes , some people will insist him/her opinion on here lol
Please accept our passion !!!
I hope u enjoy !
Have a nice day !!!
God bless u !
Ciao !!
Kota Mizutani
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